A functional analysis of scientific practice: extensions of a psychological model

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Emilio Ribes
Rafael Moreno
Antonia Padilla


Based upon the behavioral model formulated by Ribes, a functional analysis is developed in regard lo each one of the elements of that model: the model and root-metaphor, the scientific theory, the language games, and the behavioral competencies. The possible relations and functions of each of the components of the model elements are described, and some examples are provided. It is discussed how the model may cope with problems such as resistance lo scientific change at the time that the model develops a systematic research program on science.


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Ribes, E., Moreno, R., & Padilla, A. (2010). A functional analysis of scientific practice: extensions of a psychological model. Acta Comportamentalia, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.32870/ac.v4i2.18284