Uses of the Expression “Generalized Operant”: Controversies and Possibilities
behavior analysis, generalized operant, operant definition, conceptual research, new behavior, complex behavior, multiple exemplar training, response topography, unit of analysis, basic behavioral processesAbstract
Behavior analysts have approached complex and novel behaviors in different ways. Part of these approaches is based on basic behavioral processes, and part is on interpreting phenomena based on basic processes. An expression used to refer to such behaviors – generalized operant – has gained prominence in different areas of behavior analysis, including reinforced behavioral variability, symbolic behavior, imitation, and rule-governed behavior. This text aims to map some of the debates in behavior analysis related to the concept of a generalized operant, identifying some (1) different ways of conceptualizing generalized operant; (2) positions of authors regarding generalized operants (favorable and contrary, with their respective lines of argument); and (3) uses made by behavior analysts of the concept. By highlighting these issues, we hope to aid the community in pinpointing areas that deserve further discussion and research. Our investigation focuses on the areas of reinforced behavioral variability and symbolic behavior. We found a variety of uses of the expression “generalized operant” and divergences regarding the different notions of generalized operant. This mapping reveals ongoing discussions, for example, debates on the definition of operant behavior, the importance of topographical aspects of the response in the definition of operant classes, what multiple exemplar training consists of, and the lack of consensus on defining behavior and analytical units. In general, the different uses of the concept in the behavior-analytic literature presented in this work allow us to conclude that generalized operants are not precisely described. The controversies seem to be similar in both areas analyzed, so it becomes important to integrate debates and efforts to address and clarify the points raised. Such an investigation leads to discussions about essential aspects that behavior analysts should further deal with. It is possible that the gradual clarification of the gaps identified will expand the capacity of behavior analysis to act in the face of behavioral phenomena that have evoked the use of the of the generalized operant concept.
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